Dowty Propellers is committed to propelling the next generation of talent. We offer multiple school leavers the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the workplace alongside further education. You can read more about our apprenticeship offerings here:

This National Apprenticeship Week 2023, we celebrate some of our apprentices and found out how their experiences at Dowty are helping them develop ‘Skills for Life’.

Coel Richmond

Engineering Degree Apprentice (August 2021-)

“One of the key lessons I’ve learnt is ‘quality over quantity’. I take great pride in doing my best work each and every time, which is paramount to both my personal development and for Dowty customers.”

Why did you apply for the apprenticeship?

I was considering multiple options aside from the traditional university route and really liked the idea of learning while earning and gaining on the job experience. An apprenticeship was different from the status-quo, but I haven’t looked back – I’ve gained valuable experience in the engineering workplace that I wouldn’t get from a traditional University experience.

What do you do day to day?

My day starts by logging in and responding to any emails from engineers or projects supervisors. There is usually a team meeting which helps to streamline workflows, too.  I then spend the majority of my day working on job-specific tasks and assisting engineering projects specific to my current rotation.

How are you finding it so far? Is there something you’re particularly enjoying doing?

I love the working environment at Dowty. I am surrounded by skilled engineers who are happy to help with my understanding on technical concepts and engineering problems we face in the aerospace industry. Being a student as well as working can be a lot to take on, so keeping up to date and organised with your tasks both at work and university is key to a successful apprenticeship. I really enjoy working on multiple components of the propeller. Every day there is a new objective to work on which makes the day to day diverse and interesting. I have found applying stuff I have been learning on my mechanical engineering degree can be quickly applied to my work life, which offers further confirmation on the subject.

What would you like next steps to be after your apprenticeship?

I would love to continue my education in the form of a level 7 apprenticeship (equivalent to a masters) and further develop my aerospace industry expertise.

The theme for this year’s NAW is ‘Skills for Life’ – what valuable skills have you learnt through your apprenticeship so far?

I have developed a lot of technical engineering skills during my time at Dowty but also a deeper understanding of the business and the importance of teamwork. One of the key lessons I’ve learnt is ‘quality over quantity’. I take great pride in doing my best work each and every time, which is paramount to both my personal development and for Dowty customers.

Jaxon Foot

Development Test Engineer Apprentice (2019-2022)

Being able to manage my time and workload… was [key when I was] an apprentice. It enabled me to 100% focus my energy on either my college work or my time at Dowty and get the most from each experience.”

What led you to apply for the apprenticeship?

I enjoyed studying engineering in school and love working with my hands to fix and maintain things, so I thought it was the right step. You can also get so much out of an apprenticeship – qualifications, hands on experience, knowledge – and a salary!

What do you do day to day?

I was studying full time in my first year at college doing practical assignments such as working on a lathe or milling machine and also doing theory work such as mechanical principles etc. Whilst in my second and third year I was at college one day a week doing theory work and the rest of the time I was rotating around the Dowty business learning about what we make and gaining lots of knowledge and skills along the way.

As of July 2022, I finished my apprenticeship and am now part of the engineering team in Dowty at the Development Test site.

How are you finding it so far? Is there something you’re particularly enjoying doing?

For me, the best part of the apprenticeship was rotating around the business and getting exposure with different functions – learning more about propeller systems.

The theme for this year’s NAW is ‘Skills for Life’ – what valuable skills did you learn through your apprenticeship?

Definitely softer skills, such as being able to manage my time and workload. This was particularly important when I was an apprentice so that I could 100% focus on college work and my time at the Dowty site in Brockworth and get the most from each experience.

Kelan Pitts

Laboratory Technician Apprentice (2022-)

I didn’t particularly enjoy school, but the apprenticeship offers me a learning environment that suits me much better than academia. I can already see real world applications of what I’ve been learning through my college work.”

What led you to apply for the apprenticeship?

I wanted to get a qualification I could be proud of whilst doing something I’d enjoy, and I’ve always enjoyed the sciences, particularly chemistry and physics.

What do you do day to day?

I complete routine laboratory tests for raw materials used on the shop floor, analysing a variety of material properties. I also carry out other tasks such as polishing and analysing samples, creating carbon/glass fibre panels, and testing them using a tensile machine.

How are you finding it so far? Is there something you’re particularly enjoying doing?

So far, I’ve only completed one unit of work and I’ve started on my second, yet I can already see real world applications of what I’ve been learning through my college work.

I’ve enjoyed learning new skills as well as meeting new people; everyone at Dowty has been so kind and welcoming. It’s hard to pin down a favourite activity but I do enjoy testing samples on the tensile machine.

As someone who didn’t particularly enjoy school being on an apprenticeship has meant that I can enjoy learning as I’m in an environment that suits me and encourages a type of learning on the job, which I prefer.

So much so, that when I finish my apprenticeship, I would like to complete a level 6 lab technician course and ultimately stay within the Dowty business.